EXCLUSIVE: The CO-FOUNDER Of My Original Pickup Company in 2013 | Live Interview

2 years ago

🔥 Approach Breakthrough Challenge 🔥

Is approach anxiety holding you back?

I’m hosting a 2-Day online training on July 15th and 16th that will walk you through the “Natural Approach System”…

A fun, effortless, natural, and stress-free method to easily create a connection with any woman you see anywhere!

Hundreds of men have already registered.

Do not miss out: https://bit.ly/do-NOT-miss-out

0:11:32 - Who is Josh?
0:14:30 - How big is Josh's rotation?
0:15:18 - How did John and Josh meet?
0:20:26 - Josh talks about John's game in person
0:22:23 - Craziest/most interesting story of John and Josh together
0:28:52 - Can Josh show any proof?
0:31:30 - What is your fastest pull/lays, from open to close?
0:38:29 - If Josh and John are so good and so better, why weren't they massively famous all these years?
0:55:05 - What do Josh and John think of RSD Tyler
1:05:36 - Does John smoke weed?
1:07:23 - Special ANNOUNCEMENT New product: Tranny Game
1:07:45 - Tips for gaming in Philly
1:12:29 - Special ANNOUNCEMENT - 2 day Virtual Bootcamp for $27
1:14:08 - What's Josh's lay count
1:18:35 - What's Josh's Eli score in Chess
1:19:10 - is Josh coming to Brazil
1:19:20 - Gaming recommendations for gaming in San Diego
1:33:35 - Is Josh a family relative?
1:39:08 - Has Josh ever had a fight with and angry fiance, bf, husband
1:56:42 - Does John go raw with any girls
2:03:08 - Josh's background before getting into game?
2:08:07 - What's the biggest mistake that intermediate to advanced guys typically make?
2:10:03 - Is Josh the guy from the "75 phone numbers in 2 hours" video?
2:13:31 - is Josh and atheist?
2:19:00 - Josh talks about John's game in person
2:19:27 - What rules did John and Josh have for each other when winging?
2:21:55 - What do John and Josh think of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat?
2:22:34 - Is Josh still a better dancer?
2:22:43 - What one piece of game knowledge would Josh pass down?
2:23:16 - How many gfs has Josh had?
2:30:20 - Would Josh consider himself a Top G??
2:33:36 - What was the main limiting belief John and Josh encountered within their students?
2:37:33 - Josh's opinion of David Bond
2:38:27 - is James Tusk legit?
2:40:12 - Has Josh ever had issues with alcohol?
2:40:23 - How many ethnic guys did you have as your clients?
2:51:04 - Josh's opinion on Todd V
2:52:00 - Best 5 guys josh has met in the game?
2:59:21 How many rejections did Josh and John get from the 75 numbers at the rave?
3:00:00 - is Josh high on coke?
3:00:20 - Wildest place John and Josh banged a girl at
3:00:59 - When is the next bootcamp?
3:02:42 - What's the biggest sticking point Josh has been dealing with lately?
3:07:58 - Josh's thoughts on Mystery
3:09:30 - Your opinion of difficulty of pulling in Vegas, Brazil, Poland etc.
3:11:52 - Is Josh a natty or not?
3:12:14 - Josh's rant on somewhere related to game
3:16:02 - Is game more mental or physical?
3:16:19 - How does Josh DHV himself?
3:18:00 - Should you have a phone convo before the date?
3:28:27 - How does Josh vote for?
3:29:16 - Does the ratio of guys/girl in a club matter?
3:30:42 - Josh's lay count
3:31:58 - Josh's opinion on David X and Badboy
3:36:40 - Does Josh peacock?
3:37:30 - IMPORTANT: If I have both products, should I check out the challenge also?
3:38:31 - Homeless Joe's game our of 10
3:39:41 - Have John and Josh ever fought?
3:39:57 - How tall is Josh?
3:41:00 - How do you close if you live with your parents and the girl lives with her parents?
3:45:49 - Special ANNOUNCEMENT
3:46:29 - How do you feel about Arash?
3:47:50 - Did John learn a lot from Josh or did Josh learn a lot from John
3:50:34 - Would you admit that someone has good game even if you didn't like them as a person and change your mind about someone if you were wrong?
3:51:35 - Did Josh have social anxiety growing up?
3:51:58 - IMPORTANT: Can I join the VIP program directly or do I need to sign up for the $27 version and then upgrade?
4:17:10 - John's EPIC value packed speech
5:57:50 - IMPORTANT What time & time zone does the approach anxiety challenge event begin?
5:58:15 - John's crash course in neuroscience
6:27:57 - Will John challenge Hustlers University?
6:32:11 - How did John get into Nietzsche?
6:40:46 - What did John wanna do before pick up?
6:41:31 - Thoughts on Dan Bilzerian?
6:42:43 - John's rant on religion
6:53:50 - Did John debate any rabbis?
7:07:25 - What John wants for other people? Plato's cave allegory
7:31:43 - FreshPrinceCEO joins the live??
7:37:00 - Why does John have 2 videos with the Tates?
7:47:38 - Does John get nostalgic when watching old photos of him with girls?
7:49:32 - How to deal with alcohol cravings?
8:05:41 - How to spot someone based on how they carry themselves
8:31:05 - Has John met any fans in Brazil or elsewhere?
8:34:01 - Will height alone get you laid?
8:43:09 - How old is John
8:44:04 - Brazilian dicktionary 101

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