Ok, Bookkeeper! Gen X reacts to Gen Y Millenial saying “Ok, Boomer” to them

2 years ago

Generation Wars can only happen when we are focused on ourselves, and believe our gen was the best. When we do this we fail to see a) the value others bring and b) our own blind spots and contributions to various problems.

There are no perfect women or men on this planet; we all fall short of perfection. We all mess up in different ways and we all have gifts that can bless others. And none of this even matters. When we have a purpose, we can work together towards achieving something together.

In our Savvy community we are about 50% Gen X 30% Gen Y Millennial 10% Boomers and 10% Gen Z. We work together, support each other and spur one another one to do good things, because we believe in a greater purpose and we trust in a higher power.

Escape the worldly drama and come along and build something exciting together, as we all profit together and we get back what we put in. We are working towards profit, freedom and joy, in a community of business minded bookkeepers.

Join our Business Minded Community of Savvy Bookkeepers https://community.thesavvybookkeeper.com.au
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