There is a 7 year tribulation and it will be hell on earth

2 years ago

All the dumb mockers and scoffers should be quiet and stop being so stupid because they are, God laughs at you all, the 7 year tribulation is called Jacob trouble and Day of the Lord, it is 7 years long when the antichrist will rule over the entire world and he will say I am the Messiah worship me and get my vaccine, he will make a treaty with Israel and will sit in the third temple in Jerusalem and he will make One world government and religion and he will kill anyone who doesn't worship him, Jesus will grab all true believers out of this wicked satanic world and leave behind all the so called pastors and church people, all the mockers and scoffers, all those who got the vaccines and all the wicked will be left behind, they will then taste the wrath of God being poured out, first is the 6th seal that is broken open then the 7 seal is broken open, then 7 trumpet judgements are sounded and 7 Bowl judgements are poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist and got the vaccines, God will be doing this to punish all the wicked and those who reject Him , they are His enemies and He will make them suffer!! He will give the wicked no mercy at all, demons will sting all the wicked but those who are sealed by God will be safe, water will turn into blood and those who drink it die, the sun and moon will not give light in the tribulation period, hail the size of a house will fall and will kill anyone it hits, the sun will be so hot it will sorch all the wicked and those who got the vaccines, huge earthquakes will hit the earth and volcanoes will erupt, America will be destroyed and will be gone, God is doing this to get the Jews to come back to Him, to get all the lukewarm phony church people and pastors off the fence and decide between Jesus or the antichrist and they will be tribulation saints and killed for not worshipping the antichrist, and to punish all the wicked and crush the antichrist and all who worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, it will be war between Jesus and the antichrist and Jesus wins, Satan and all his wicked angels will be on earth during the tribulation period, and guess who will they go after all the lukewarm phony church people and pastors, and those who got left behind will be their target, you see the Holy Spirit is gone now and all hell will be released on earth, hell will food out and the wicked angels will have free rein on earth, no one will hold them back anymore, nope the Bride and holy Spirit are gone, so they will have the entire world as theirs, and they will love it, you think things are bad now just wait after the rapture happens, it will be hell on earth and your worst nightmare has just begun, all the dumb people who mocked and scoffed will be wailing when they are left behind, as will all the lukewarm phony church people and pastors, the wicked will have a hay day and will do whatever wicked stuff they want, have gay sodomites sex parades all day, rape, sexually abuse will get much worse, murder, stealing, all the wicked deeds those who hate God will get far worse and no one will stop them at all, nope it will be the wicked no God around paradise for them, all the gays lesbians trans sodomites will have sexual immorality everywhere and no one will stop them, they will not repent and will curse God when He pours out His anger and judgements on these wretched dogs and that is all the wicked are, they hate God so much they will curse God for the tribulation judgements He will pour out on them all, so do not get left behind it will be the worst time ever, only way out is to be killed for not worshipping the antichrist and getting his cursed vaccine mark of the beast, you will beheaded but it will be quick and you will be in heaven, the vaccines antichrist followers on the other hand end up in hell because they rejected God and are banned from heaven and the New jersalem forever, they are shameful and will never be allowed entry into heaven ever, God kicked Satan and his angels out of heaven and He will not allow sin to enter at all or people who worship the antichrist, it is not a game at all, God will have had enough with the wicked who mock Him, reject Him, and will make them all suffer His tribulation judgements, it will happen if you want it to or not

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