Squatting a Squatter

2 years ago

Squatters are a growing problem in communities in America. The homeless and drug addicts infect communities with squatters taking over abandoned properties and become a nuisance to those unfortunate enough to have them in their neighborhood.

Call the police if you suspect someone is squatting on a property. If they are trespassing and not paying rent, they can be removed promptly with no legal action required by either party; however, it’s important that you notify law enforcement as soon as possible so they can intervene before damage occurs or squatters become violent towards others living nearby.

Recently an abandoned home nearby was taken over by squatters. The police were called, but it took a month for them to handle the situation. Apparently, hobo's have more rights than community members and have more power than the police. Since then, many more homes in the area have been taken over by squatters who are using them as drug dens or homeless shelters.

The city has tried to remedy this problem by offering incentives for people to work, even going as far as providing a place to shower, clothing, AND a ride to and from their job (that the city finds for them) so they can get back on their feet.

This turned out to be a dismal failure and RARELY did someone show up to take advantage of this program. City council continues to throw millions of dollars at this issue, but it hasn't come anywhere close to solving the problem of homelessness and drug addiction in our community.

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