Approach Breakthrough Challenge VS. Platinum Dating System

2 years ago

🔥Approach Breakthrough Challenge 🔥

Is approach anxiety holding you back?

I’m hosting a 2-Day online training on July 15th and 16th that will walk you through the “Natural Approach System”…

A fun, effortless, natural, and stress-free method to easily create a connection with any woman you see anywhere!

Hundreds of men have already registered.

Do not miss out:

0:01:00 - John explains the difference between the approach breakthrough challenge and the 8 week program
0:09:13 - Will the event be recorded?
0:09:38 - What is the healthies type of salt to consume?
0:10:20 - How did you used to run game when drunk?
0:11:21 - Does John have any papers on cancer causes?
0:12:21 - Can we sign up for the challenge w/o a credit card
0:12:45 - What if a girls asks about political views on a date or if you have an unpopular viewpoint on whatever she asked?
0:13:22 - Thoughts on Alan Roger Currie's Mode One?
0:13:46 - Should you be setting dates straight to the house from day and night game or just from online?
0:15:20 - Did John ever make an indie movie he talked about before?
0:18:52 - How to apply for the $97 version of the challenge
0:19:04 - When does the challenge start at?
0:20:14 - Has John ever tried supplements from More Plates More Dates?
0:21:14 - Ex coach Ryan says John pushes people to leave fake reviews, true or false?
0:22:06 - How to set a date to the house w/o alcohol?
0:23:14 - When is the Paul Janka live gonna be?
0:25:10 - Does John think Paul's game is outdated?
0:25:48 - Does having balding hair make a difference when pulling?
0:26:33 - Thoughts on the San Francisco dating scene?
0:27:40 - Should you still sexualize in a group environment with many guys/girls hanging out?
0:31:04 - Thoughts on Just Francis/Frank Night Game youtube channel?
0:32:08 - How to do deal with conservative Polish girls?
0:33:46 - Is John in the war room?
0:34:06 - If you plan a date with a girl from cold approach, should you do the straight to the house version or a regular date?
0:35:55 - Do girls ever get offended when you ask for a 3some?
0:39:42 - Thoughts on Austin TX for game?
0:41:11 - How do you make sure the photoshoot is good?
0:43:14 - How to stop girls from pushing for exclusive relationships?
0:46:58 - Is John gonna release more info on extending life and being healthy'
0:47:45 - Thoughts on poly relationships?
0:48:44 - IMPORTANT John explains the difference between the approach breakthrough challenge and the 8 week program
0:55:52 - Is Josh getting back to do a livestream?
0:59:03 - Is John still taking Finasteride?
0:59:51 - Is Bradicus coming back to do a livestream?
1:00:51 - Are texting scripts from leads machine better than occam's razor?
1:02:04 - Update on what supplements to take?
1:03:35 - Safest city in Brazil to live?
1:04:59 - Did looksmaxxing help John with his conversion rates?
1:05:59 - Does John use his real age on Tinder?
1:06:56 - How often do you get rejected after an approach?
1:09:42 - Is John still alcohol free?
1:12:16 - Is occam's the best product if you wanna increase college lay count?
1:12:48 - Trump or Biden?
1:13:47 - Does John do direct approach style?
1:14:13 - How to feel less nervous when approaching hotter girls?
1:15:10 - Have you ever talked with Neil Strauss
1:15:54 - Should you approach a girl if she has headphones?
1:18:31 - What would be your strategy to handle rejections that pertain to dirty room at your place?
1:23:31 - How to handle objections w/o being pushy?
1:26:15 - How to not let rejection phase you
1:29:48 - Is phenibut toxic?
1:30:31 - IMPORTANT When does the challenge start?
1:30:58 - Who was good before mystery?
1:35:09 - Supplements that help libido?
1:35:50 - Guys in the manosphere advocate self development to create confidence in approaching women, agree or disagree?
1:47:37 - Craziest thing that happened during sex?
1:49:08 - When did John decide that he doesn't wanna do the trailer life and what made him change his mind?
1:53:22 - How much does Lis help your life emotionally and business wise?
1:54:31 - How do you explain complexity of creation and anatomy if you dont believe in a higher power?
1:55:52 - Did John choose Brazil because he is white?
1:55:20 - John goes over his health and longevity paper
1:58:05 - Has John ever smoked cigarettes?
2:00:25 - What to do after getting ghosted by an ONS and what can the reason be?
2:06:10 - Pros and cons of Steve the Dean's game?
2:10:20 - Get you get good at anything by yourself, naturally by trial and error?
2:11:45 - Update on the derek moneyberg lawsuit?
2:12:44 - IMPORTANT How long do we get the help in the VIP version

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