True or False? Did you know all of these? #09 #thewhyfiles #shorts

2 years ago

True or False? Did you know all of these?

Pyramids were built by slaves. FALSE.

The people who built the pyramids were well paid and well treated. The job was considered a great honor.

Maine is the closest US state to Africa. TRUE.

Maine is the easternmost point in the US. It's about 3,100 miles away from Morocco.

Many countries train dolphins for combat. TRUE.

The Russian navy has trained dolphins to attack warships. The US navy has trained dolphins to find mines and do other missions.

When mount Everest was first measured, the wrong number was recorded on purpose. TRUE.

Sir Andrew Waugh measured mount Everest in 1856 and found it to be exactly 29,000 feet tall. This seemed too perfect so he added another 2 feet so people wouldn't think he was guessing.

If you knock your tooth out and put it back in the socket, it will regrow roots and save the tooth. TRUE.

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