The world's largest lizard lives on Komodo Island

1 year ago

The Komodo Dragon is the world's largest lizard, growing to 3 m (10 ft) long and weighing 70 kg (150 lbs). They are powerful beasts and skilled hunters, with powerful jaws, ferocious claws, and amazing strength and speed.

There are rumors that it kills its prey with its poisonous saliva, but it actually attacks with the intention of instant death. They chase prey when it escapes, but that is not their preferred method of hunting. Occasionally, animals die from blood loss or exhaustion after being injured, but the Komodo dragon's keen senses allow it to pursue prey from great distances. This contributes to the myth of successful hunting after an attack and the death of prey from sepsis. I was. This causes the prey to die after an otherwise non-fatal injury. His MRI scans of Komodo dragons revealed that the animals have venom glands in their lower jaws. Toxic proteins in the glands not only inhibit blood clotting, but also lower blood pressure and cause muscle paralysis. Prey suffers hypothermia and shock as a result of the venomous bite.

Komodo dragons are very competitive for mating rights, fighting other males and anchoring them to the ground. Even the female fights to resist copulation, and the male fights to hold her back in order to have her copulate successfully.Mating pairs are often monogamous, which is very rare in lizards.

This Komodo monitor lizard was found roaming the forests of Komodo Island, Indonesia. Komodo Island is her one of the few islands in the world that are home to these incredible lizards. This is a wild dragon resting under a branch on its way through the forest. Seeing a Komodo dragon in the wild is a rare and wonderful experience.

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