AZ Corporation Commissioner Demands a STOP on Using WHAT

2 years ago

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Arizona Corporation Commissioner Jim O’Connor sent a letter Tuesday (8/30) to all Arizona County Supervisors, Recorders, Election Directors, and Sheriffs, demanding they immediately cease the use of voting machines in the upcoming 2022 General Election.

“I spent two entire days listening to testimony given publicly at ‘The Moment of Truth Summit,’ with reports from all 50 states including Arizona, which had teams of presenters giving updates to the election maladministration conducted nationwide,” O’Connor stated in his letter after outlining the Commission’s investigative authority and expressing his desire for the cessation of tabulating votes using corrupted machines.

O’Connor told The Gateway Pundit that the machine vulnerabilities must be fixed. “our country as we know it is over before the end of the calendar year if we don’t stop this stuff, because we will not have people serving in office who had been elected by We the People of all parties. That will not be the case. They’ll be selected.”

This letter comes just days after The Gateway Pundit reported that Trump-Endorsed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and Trump-Endorsed candidate for Secretary of State Mark Finchem’s lawsuit to ban black box voting machines in Arizona’s upcoming election was shot down in court.

In a July 21 hearing, cyber security expert Clay Parikh testified on behalf of the plaintiffs in this lawsuit. Parikh is the lead information systems security officer for the ground missile defense system for Northrop Grumman. Prior to that, he worked for Lockheed Martin and Leidos through their merger as the deputy cyber manager for the Army Corps of Engineers.

From 2008 to 2017, Parikh also worked as a security tester, and security subject matter expert for Wyle Laboratories and Pro V&V. Parikh claims to have tested hundreds of voting systems, including the Dominion and ES&S voting machines, throughout his career as part of the certification process for the EAC and Secretaries of State. He holds a CISSP certification (Certified Information System Security Professional), as well as certification as an ethical hacker and a certified hacking forensics investigator. Additionally, The Gateway Pundit reported on a Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency report that revealed massive security vulnerabilities and the potential to install malicious code in Dominion voting machines that were used in Arizona and Georgia.

According to Ballotpedia, The 5-member Arizona Corporation Commission is the “quasi-executive regulatory agency in the Arizona state government. The commission is Arizona’s state regulatory body for non-municipal utility companies, including energy, heat, trash, water, and communications firms. It also oversees the incorporation of businesses, securities regulation, and railroad/pipeline safety.”

Commissioner O’Connor told The Gateway Pundit that he is raising this issue as a statewide elected official and calling it to the attention of all public officials. “There were over 1,400,000 Arizonans who put me in office, and I’m serving there using a lot of common sense and doing the best I can for my fellow Arizonans without respect to party,” said O’Connor.

“I have seen enough evidence over the last almost two years to convince me beyond a shadow of a doubt that we voters cannot be assured of a sound, real, true result because of the vulnerability of the machines,” he continued. “The attacks are happening all over the place.”

When asked how he would respond to idiotic excuses by elected officials who say that “hand counts are impossible,” O’Connor stated, “We’ve done hand counts for a couple of 100 years. So I would say there’s ample evidence that your statement is erroneous.”

Trump-Endorsed Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake also gave the following statement to The Gateway Pundit. The Democrats are expected to do everything in their power to rig and steal another election from MAGA Republicans.

Leaders from both political parties have raised concerns over the use of electronic voting machines and their vulnerability to cyber attacks. I applaud Jim O’Connor for his work to rid Arizona of easily corruptible voting machines. Even if we do the hard work to correct all of the issues with our elections—as long as we continue to allow our sacred vote to be counted by electronic voting machines with corruptible software that is easily manipulated and whose components are manufactured by our adversaries then we will never truly have honest elections. The voting machines simply must go.

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