New Study Provides Compelling Evidence of Lab Origin of COVID-19 | Truth Over News

2 years ago

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A new study puts the odds of COVID-19 being a natural virus at less than 1 in 100 million. While there have been many studies and investigations into the origin of the pandemic, including on this show, the new study does not rely on any of the previous findings pointing to a lab origin.

Instead, the study developed an entirely new methodology to take a completely fresh look at the most important evidence we have—the genetic makeup of the virus.

While it was widely accepted that with the availability of seamless genetic engineering techniques lab viruses do not have fingerprints of manipulation, the new study ingeniously uses statistical analysis to compare COVID-19 and other lab-made viruses to viruses recovered in the wild.

The results are overwhelmingly clear. COVID-19 looks a lot like other lab-made viruses and not at all like wild viruses.

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