Jeffery Sachs: A Decade of Democracy: China and Russia - The Athens Democracy Forum

2 years ago

Jeffery Sachs: A Decade of Democracy: China and Russia - The Athens Democracy Forum 10-7-2022 [Full Segment]

Ten years ago, Xi Jinping ascended to national leadership in China and Vladimir Putin began his second stint as Russia’s president. Over the next decade, both have consolidated power over their countries, and today both unapologetically and jointly proclaim their autocratic, ruthless, macho rule as a more effective model of democracy, winning admirers and imitators the world over. As Putin has pushed this model to unthinkable extremes, what has the effect been on fellow and aspiring autocrats? What is the best way to prevent the template from replicating even further?

Jaroslaw Kuisz, Editor in Chief, Kultura Liberalna

Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University

Su Yun Woo, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Political Science, University of Zurich

Moderated by Steven Erlanger, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent, Europe, The New York Times

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