Why You Must Vote Republican All the Way - Bill of Rights

2 years ago

Hello, my name is Lee Bane and my Facebook page is America Opinion

In this video, I will hope to give you a few reason not only to VOTE, but Vote Republican All The Way... The Bill of Rights which is the First 10 Amendments to Our Constitution

Before I get started, people ask my WHY am I taking the time to do these videos...? It is because I am an American Citizen and Marine Corps Veteran Who Loves His Country and Every Citizen In It

I believe in common sense and keeping things simple as much as possible so hopefully I will do that here.

Do yourself a favor... Look up Operation Mockingbird - If people only hear ONE-SIDE of an issue, they will believe IT IS TRUE. Always remember, there are two side to every coin.

With that being said let's get into todays topic... Our God-Given Rights are Being Stolen from Every American Citizen

1st Amendment - FREEDOM OF SPEECH is Being Stolen from American Citizens - Here is the Definition - The right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. The right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means. Freedom of speech and the right to freedom of expression applies to ideas of all kinds including those that may be deeply offensive.

Here's is how FREE SPEECH is being stolen...

1. Our Independant Thoughts Are Being Silenced/Censored.
Example A. If you say ANYTHING that goes against what "the leaders/rules" want you to say, You Will Be Silenced SILENCED How?

MAINSTREAM NEWS "FAKE NEWS' - Will not allow your thoughts to even be shared at all. You mainstream news outlets will not even have people who have a different thought on their news programs. Why? Because FREE SPEECH is not allowed because it would allow people to see/listen to the "other side" and realize that the other side makes sense.

SOCIAL MEDIA - Because the 'people' cannot be heard on mainstream news, the people have decided to make their thoughts heard on the internet/social media. If you say ANYTHING that goes against 'the narrative', your will be...

SILENCED - Your posts will be FLAGGED as misinformation and ultimately you will have to delete your post that you believe is correct because THEY said so. Wait a minute... Free speech is free speech, since WHEN did the American citizen become too stupid to determine for themselves, if something is true or not? It is not up to the "government" or "Big Tech" companies Like Google, Fakebook, Twitter, etc to decide if something is misinformation or not... it is up to you. That is what FREE SPEECH is, right? So, the minute someone is silenced, the other person is the one at fault not the person that spoke.

TROLLED/ATTACKED/HARASSED verbally, legally, physically - If you say something they don't like, they will harass you everywhere you go... on social media, the internet, take your book deals away, close your social media accounts down, close your bank accounts and everything else. It is way too many to discuss here but the bottom line is that they will try to shut you completely down. Look at what they have done to many prominent people who have dared to simply speak freely; including a President of the United States of America, the highest office you can hold, the leader of the "free" world who was voted in by THE PEOPLE... They closed his Twitter account and so much more. They will also physically attack you and your family and put you/them in the hospital. Free Speech is Free Speech and that is it. Whoever is trying to silence Free Speech is the bad ones... In this case, it is ALL of the Demoncrats because they are the puppets to the Global "leaders" who are trying to push for 'One-World Order' - a Dictatorship over you puny little people of America and the world.

We cannot allow YOUR VOICE to be SILENCED now matter what... That is the first reason you must vote Republican ALL THE WAY... Yes there are a few bad apples in the Republican Party, but they will be wipped out over the next 2 - 10 years.

2nd Amendment - Right to Bare Arms
Did you know that having a gun is your right and the REASON for the gun is not only to protect you from the evil that is all around you, it is to protect you from a Tyrannical Government A government that wants to CONTROL YOU?


Please, if you love America VOTE and VOTE REPUBLICAN.

Until my next video... God Bless America.
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Thank you,

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