🌟 Why Do We Forget Who We Really Are? Claudia Watts Edge Spirit School

2 years ago

See more here . https://wp.me/p58EtD-5io
A fascinating conversation and Q & A with Claudia Watts Edge, who had a profound NDE in 1984, when she and her baby daughter died together, in a sea of blood and pain. She has been researching NDEs and Spiritual Phenomenon ever since. Claudia has been called a modern-day mystic with an ability to pull back the curtain between this world and the beyond. Claudia has written three award winning books including two books called GIFTS FROM THE EDGE: Stories form the other side; and second book lessons form the other side, a continuing series of dream/experiences in a place she calls SPIRIT SCHOOL, where she is given connecting pieces of the spiritual puzzle to be shared with the world through parable and short stories.

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