How to perform the oxalic acid (OA) dribble method to counter varroa mites in a honeybee hive.

1 year ago

The varroa mite is the scourge of the honeybee in America. The Oxalic Acid (OA) dribble methos is a natural way to combat these pests. It is best used when the hive population is reducing and when there is not much capped brood - such as in the late fall. An integrated pest management program is the best way to combat these pests and protect your apiary.
For the OA Dribble Method, you need:
oxalic acid (wood bleach),
non-reactive bowl for mixing,
wooden spoon for mixing,
saucepan for boiling water,
gram scale,
protective gloves,
eye protection,
60 ml disposable syringes,
table sugar,
water (preferably distilled).

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