Danielle Smith Premier Highlights.

2 years ago

On her very first day, she fired Deena Hinshaw the Province's health minister. Since then, she has apologized to all unvaccinated Albertans for the discrimination, invited all Government employees to come back to work if they want it, denounced the WEF in any policy decisions in Alberta, and is introducing a bill in November that will STOP ALL federal mandates in her province. No more masking, no more vaccine mandates, and more.

She is the premier every single province needs.

Hopefully she is the catalyst for real change in each and very province. We will deal with Trudeau later. But we must not stop just by replacing these puppets with real leaders. We stop when these former leaders are arrested and charged with violations of the Nuremburg codes, and Section 83.1 of the criminal code which is domestic terrorism.

Awake Canada, and its members will not stop until this happens. Then we will remain a protector of our rights in Canada.

Thank you for all your support!

Here are the links to the sections of the criminal code our own government is violating:

Definition of Terrorism in Canada by Canadian government definition:

Funding terrorism or facilitating it:

To help the fight in Canada register:

To help us keep revealing the truth donate here:

Help us spread the word, by sharing these vital links below:

To see the legal challenge that is happening worldwide:

To see Bonnie Henry’s emails proving knowledge of harm of vaccines:

To see hundreds of hours of doctors speaking out:

Important legal documents to your rights as Canadian citizen:

The most important documentary on what is happening in the world right now:

Proof of Genocide:
Dr. David Martin lays it out for you:

The only proof anyone should need:

Alarming uptick in cancers since jab rollout:

3 times more covid deaths since vaccine rollout:

One America Insurance CEO reports 40% increase in death claims since vaccine rollout:

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