7 Nifty Marketing Tactics to Deploy Now

2 years ago

Seven nifty marketing tactics to deploy now. You heard of all the standard marketing tactics like SEO and paid ads, or even using email marketing. But everyone's already doing that. And if you're not, you should make sure you do it. Check out my ad agency NP digital where we help with those tactics plus more. And there must be some new stuff that very few people are doing that work, right? Well, there is. Here's seven nifty marketing tactics that you need to deploy now.

Code Canyon: https://codecanyon.net/
subscribers.com: https://subscribers.com/
Minichat: https://minichat.com/
TubeSift: https://www.tubesift.com/
Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Tactic number one: Guest carousels, have you ever heard of Instagram carousels? They get crazy engagement. Just like this one. but have you thought about posting these kinds of carousels on other people's Instagram profiles? Not just yours, but other people's. It can get you more followers, more brand awareness and even sales. You have to try it out. It works extremely well.

And other users in many case would love for you to post on their profile, assuming the content's amazing. That's a key, amazing content because it's hard to keep making amazing content. So if you can make it and give it to others, they're like, wait, this is great. And there's a good chance they'll post it.

Tactic two: Drive traffic through backlinks using tools. One of the easiest ways to generate links is through tools. The Ubersuggest tool on the neilpatel.com site has over 24,000 unique backlinks. That's a lot. By giving away a free tool over time, you'll naturally generate links, assuming the tool's good. Now you don't have to build a custom tool like me. You can always use sites like Code Canyon to find tools within your industry and just put them on your website.

Tactic number three: Transfer your content from one social network to the next. We all talk about repurposing content but do you really do it? Take your winners from one social network onto the next. Your image posts that do well on Facebook should be used on other social networks. It's simple, but very few companies do it. And I'm not sure why, because they already spent the time and energy creating that content.

Tactic four: Use push notifications. People don't like giving out their email address or phone number. Sure you can still collect them. But a lot of people don't like giving them away. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't use email or SMS messaging. But, you shouldn't stop with those communication channels. Have you ever tried push notifications? Using simple tools like subscribers.com. People can subscribe to your website literally with one click. That's it.

Tactic five: Buying content to advertise on using TubeSift. YouTube is a great place to advertise on but finding videos to show your ad on is a pain. TubeSift makes it easier for marketers. You'll save time and it'll show you the best audiences and videos that you need to be targeted.

Tactic six: Use charts and data within your blog post. This is a no brainer, but for some reason people don't use it as much. When you write blog posts or create content make sure you use data and sets, even if you're citing other sources. I found that when I add stats and charts to my post I get roughly 32% more backlinks.

Tactic seven: Don't forget to follow up via text messaging. When I send out emails, I'm getting roughly 30% open rates. That's really, really good. That's better than 99% of marketers out there. But text messages have a much better read and click through rate. On average, when we use text, we find that we get 18% click through rate.

I'm not talking about open, I'm talking about click. 30% emails does not convert into 18% clicks on those emails. To give you an equal perspective, emails usually receive when I send them out, less than 4% click through rate. Typically it's closer to 2%. Collect phone numbers and follow up with your profits through SMS.

It works great and it helps you generate more sales. You just have to use it. And that's what most people don't do. But there's a lot of tools out there like Minichat that can help you do this and it'll make your life easier.

â–º If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

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