GMO Tuesday...The More You Know.

2 years ago

The crazier things sound....

“A unique herbicide”
Paraquat is one of the most widely used weed killing chemicals in the world, competing with herbicides such as glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup brand for use in agriculture. Farmers use it both to control weeds before planting their crops and to dry out crops for harvest. In the United States, the chemical is used in orchards, wheat fields, pastures where livestock graze, cotton fields and elsewhere. As weeds have become more resistant to glyphosate, paraquat popularity has surged.

What’s in Your Beef?

Typical grocery store beef, sometimes called commodity beef, is mass-produced. The cuts of beef mostly come from grain-fed cattle, recently confined in a crowded feedlot. Primal cuts (i.e. rib, loin, round) are divided into smaller, fabricated sections, and wrapped for individual sale. Some meat has been “hot-blasted,” - or treated with an ammonia solution to kill bacteria and wash off traces of dirt and blood. Then, the meat is gassed with carbon monoxide, which reacts with myoglobin in the meat to brighten the color of aging cuts.*

Ground beef from grass-fed cattle naturally contains more omega-3 fatty acids than from grain-fed cattle (three times as much), but is higher in saturated and trans fat.

When it comes to cooking for your family, leave the harmful additives behind and choose 100% Grass-Fed Ground Beef for your next meal.

*Sources: Department of Animal Science, USDA

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