Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Ophthalmologist William H. Bates' Method

2 years ago

Treatments, practices from Ophthalmologist William H. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine in Monthly and Bound Volumes and book Perfect Sight Without Glasses. Main Practices for Clear Vision at All Distances Without Glasses. Natural Eyesight Improvement teacher, author Clark Night demonstrates Dr. Bates' Method with pictures, animations. Directions for Seeing Fine Print Clear. Some Bates Method History. A quick way to learn the Bates Method!

The Video begins with pictures of Dr. Bates' books, articles and the Main Natural Eyesight Improvement Practices. Pause the video to read them. After the pictures; Natural Eyesight Improvement - The Bates Method Teacher Clark Night reads from Dr. Bates' book, Better Eyesight Magazine and gives 'How to Practice' Demonstrations.

We preserve Dr. Bates, Emily's Antique Books, Magazine, Eyecharts, Newspaper Articles, Advertisements...

This is about 3 different videos, pictures... combined into one. I'm finding all the old unpublished videos in computers, DVDs... and merging them, FINALLY getting it all live!

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