Mommy Makeover Breast Rejuvenation - A Complete Transformation

2 years ago

A mastopexy, usually known as a "breast lift", is a plastic surgery procedure that reshapes and returns the breasts to a more youthful appearance. For small breasts that have lost volume, a breast implant combined with a breast lift can result in larger, perkier-looking breasts, very much like what our patient today wanted to achieve. For this, a "Lollipop" incision is a minor invasive incision and gives great results for a more manageable breast lift. It encompasses each areola extending below the lower breast to the inframammary crease reducing the possibility for horizontal breast scars.

To learn more about a "breast augmentations" and results check out,

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Barrett Plastic Surgery
Located in Beverly Hills CA

Dr Daniel Barrett @ Barrett Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills
#BreastAugmentation #DrDanielBarrett #Plasticsurgeon

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