(mental) health check

2 years ago

The holidays are approaching, but that can be a super stressful time for many of us. If you're facing the holidays with some anxiety or apprehension, I'd like to invite you to join me in some healthy habits or as I'm calling it a (mental) health check. Over the next two months, I want to be extra intentional about establishing and maintaining these habits & I'd love for you to join me.

Hard seasons can feel so lonely, but we aren't actually alone. Plus, although I know what to do and talk about it all the time, sometimes it's so difficult to actually do the darn thing. That's why, I would love for you to join me so we can encourage and support each other.

This (mental) health check will consist of 4 healthy habits, which have shown to improve your physical and mental health.

1. Outside time.
Spend at least 20 minutes outside, preferably in the sunshine. Sunshine and fresh air are excellent for our mood and immune function. Plus, sunlight first thing in the morning can help improve our sleep too, which is key for (mental) health too.

2. Movement
Move your body for at least 30 minutes. Walking, pilates, stretching, biking, weight training, calisthenics; any intentional movement counts. Don't stress about what activity you're doing, simply make sure you're moving your body every day. Movement is fabulous to relieve stress.

3. Nutrition
Make at least 1 healthy nutritional choice each day. Whole foods, less sugar, less caffeine; you decide based on your individual needs. There is a strong correlation between food, health, and mental health. Making wise choices (especially during the holidays) can be hard, so just focus on one healthy habit you can stick with.

4. Quiet time
Spend time with Jesus every day. If you aren’t a Christian, spend time writing in a journal or focusing on gratitude. During the busyness, we need to make sure we are taking time to build our foundation on that which is true, good, and pure.

If this sounds like something you'd like to join me on, comment below and I'll send you some tools to stay on track. And then I can cheer you on & pray for you.

Who is with me?

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