MR. NON-PC - Start Being More Independent

2 years ago

It's the year 2022 and has anyone noticed how dependent people have become?

Technology has definitely played its part in making lazy as hell and most people have turned into "Excuse Factories" and making an excuse to do basic things!

It's really funny how these same lazy fools have time to sit on FakeBook, Watch TV, Anti-Social Media, Lame Political Rallies and stuff their fat faces...but never can find the time to paint a wall, go to the gym, wash their car or pay a bill!

Even funnier how so many people can't even cook nowadays (especially the younger generations!) and won't even learn how to cook!!

People need to start doing their own sh*t! Stop expecting everyone else to do your sh*t for you!!

Start being more INDEPENDENT instead of DEPENDENT!!!

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