Be Separate, Be an Elohimist

2 years ago

About me: Arnold Joseph Bur

My desire is to share my progression of Biblical Knowledge from 15 years of study and 42 years of experience as a "Christian". My family was Catholic but, I was invited to a Christian Church when I was 13. I didn't understand what was going on or what I was praying until much later when I was invited to The Door Christian Fellowship in 1985. I heard teachings and preaching that we must believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Him as Lord. Romans 10:8-13

Hello, My name is Arnold Bur. My life changed in 1985 when I asked God to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart in the name of Jesus Christ. Through the decades, God has brought me through many trials and situations that only He could have changed. Even now, August 12th, 2022 is the beginning of a new season for me. I have been sharing on Facebook and You Tube with the hope of educating God's children to become a like-minded Body of believers through New revelations that have been given to me from what is already written. When the people of God have renewed their minds and understand exactly what the Body of Christ is, we will be like-minded. We will be Elohimists. Ask questions and make comments.

I am "not" a Pentecostal.

​As I mentioned, I used to share on Facebook and, that allowed me to communicate with people from many different denominations and religions. Oneness Pentecostals teach that God "became" the Son in order to keep to their Oneness Doctrine. They error in that Jesus said, I was sent. John 17:3 ​And, my personal favorite; ​John 16:28 I came forth from the Father and entered the world. In turn, I will leave the world and go to the Father.”

What really pushed my wife and I away from the Pentecostals is that they say if you don't speak in tongues, your not saved. This is not true. The Initial evidence of the Holy Spirit is not a gift. A gift is not evidence of salvation. Jesus said, Unless you bear good fruit, you will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Then the people said, Lord. Lord! We cast out demons and prophesied in Your name and performed miracles in Your name (and spoke in tongues) and He will say, I never knew you workers of iniquity. (sinful thoughts) Matthew 7:19-23 & John 15.

The Initial evidence of the Holy Spirit is the ability to say, Jesus is Lord.
1st Corinthians 12:3

I am not Trinitarian

God is not an egg. Three persons in one being. (Isn't an egg, 2 in 1?) Trinitarians teach that God "manifested" as the Son. This is very much like the Pentecostal teaching. If God "became" or "manifested", then God did 'not' "have" a Son. The common mistake that I see is, people teach that God became flesh, but scripture states that 'The Word' became flesh. John 1:14 And the 'Word' became flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld "His" glory, a glory as of an "only begotten" 'from' The Father, full of grace and truth. Berean Study Bible, NKJV, KJB

What pushed my wife and I away from the Trinitarians is that they love the egg too much. Easter is a pagan holiday. We went to a church and one of the members actually said that the pastor does not observe Easter but they do. We tried different churches and they celebrate Easter and Halloween and even Santa Claus Day. Should we celebrate the death of all the boys two years old and younger because Jesus was born? We celebrate His Resurrection Everyday, not once a year.

Many churches participate in Halloween by calling it Fall Festival or Trunk or Treat. Why is it on the same weekend as Hell oween? Give your kids candy that you' bought. We tell them not to take candy from stranger and then take them to the homes of strangers and ask for candy. Some homes are Wiccan. Pagans who pray over the candy and cast spells. I used to work at a park as grounds maintenance and there was a Renaissance Festival and they had flags flying with the word: Pagon. As I was setting up trash cans as they were setting up, I witnessed a group in a circle holding hands and I heard them pray to Satan. Invoking the name of Satan to bless their festival. I moved away and started praying as I walked.

I am Not Catholic

I remember having to call the priests: father. Jesus said, We have only One Father and He is in Heaven. Bow down to no man.

Catholics pray a redundant rosary. 4 our fathers and 40 hail Marys. Before Jesus taught the Our Father prayer He said, do not be like the pagans who think that by their many words they will be heard.

In John 16:21-28 Jesus says to pray to The Father in the name of Jesus.

Catholics only pray 'about' Jesus as a baby in a manger. We are not saved by believing only in Jesus but, by believing in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead and that God made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Romans 10:9,10 & Acts 2:36

The Catholics started Christ Mass. Xmas. X represents death. x x on the eyes.

I bought my children some new slippers in the wintertime and asked if they wanted me to wrap them up and put them under a tree until December 25th or do they want them now. Now! they said. I am not able to spoil my children even though I want them to have everything but, it is better that they earn it and build character to be productive citizens. I reward my children when they do good, not because I'm Santa.

I am Not a Methodist. I am an Elohimist.

Many churches that call themselves "Christian" have ordained openly gay people to be ministers. We must become separate, set apart from the world, denominations and religions that error in their teachings. We should not look like the world or love the things in this world. 1st John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

​If you have an questions or comments,
contact me at: or @

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