True or False? Did you know all of these? #shorts

2 years ago

True or False? Did you know all of these?

OMG was invented in 1917. TRUE.

OMG stands for the exclamation Oh my god. The first recorded use of OMG is in a letter to Winston Churchill dated 1917.

The color red makes bulls crazy. FALSE.

Bulls are color-blind. What makes them crazy is people stabbing with spears before the bullfighter gets into the ring.

Some people can hear the difference between hot and cold water. TRUE.

Cold water is more viscous and makes it thicker, giving it a lower frequency. People listening for this can tell the difference with almost 100% accuracy.

SOS stands for "save our ship" or "save our souls". FALSE.

SOS became a distress signal because it's easy to transmit 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots.

The first pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. FALSE.

The first pilgrims landed in Provincetown. Plymouth Rock was 5 weeks later.

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