Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Semiconductors –

1 year ago

You’ve undoubtedly heard of semiconductors. They really are everywhere. But while most people have heard of semiconductors, very few people know much about them.
We intend on changing that.
Consider this your introduction to the world of semiconductors. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to discuss the subject confidently, which may not win you many dates but will certainly earn you the respect of electrical engineers.

What is A Semiconductor?
A semiconductor is a physical substance designed to manage and control the flow of current in electronic devices and equipment. It either doesn’t allow a freely flowing electric current or repels the current completely.
A semiconductor sits between a conductor and an insulator and is commonly used in the development of electronic chips, computing components, and devices. It’s generally created using silicon, germanium, or other pure elements.
Semiconductors are created by adding impurities to the element. The conductance or inductance of the element depends on the type and intensity of the added impurities.
There are two basic types of semiconductors. An N-type semiconductor is used when its conductance is higher, or there is a large number of free electrons. A P-type semiconductor is used when its inductance is higher, and there are less free electrons.
Conventional devices and components built by using a semiconductor include, computer memory, integrated circuits, diodes, and transistors.
If you want an in-depth look at how semiconductors are made, here’s a helpful video:
Elements Used to Create Semiconductors
Let’s get a closer look at two elements that are used to create most semiconductors.

Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth, making up almost over 25% of the earth’s crust by weight. Although not found as a free element in nature, it occurs as oxide and silicates including agate, amethyst, citrine, jasper, flint, opal, quartz, and sand. Silicon metal is derived from reactions between silicon dioxide and carbon materials like coal and wood chips.
Regarding the significant producers of silicon for wafers, there are many suppliers in the U.S. and around the world, primarily in California, Oregon, Florida, Asia-Pacific, China, and Europe. It is believed that China is the largest producer of silicon, followed by the United States.

Germanium is a chemical element that is similar in appearance to silicon, and not found as a free element in nature because of its reactivity factor. Available in the earth’s crust, it is mined from sphalerite zinc ores and can also be extracted from fly ash coal and copper ores.
Germanium is less useful than silicon due to its thermal sensitivity and cost, but it is still alloyed with silicon for use in some high-speed devices. IBM is a primary producer of these devices. The leader in germanium production in China, with the other major producers including the USA, Canada, Russia, and Belgium.
Finding New Semiconductors
Because semiconductors are such a valuable item, companies are constantly searching for new, better ways to make them.
The search for new semiconductors begins on the periodic table of the elements. In the IVA column, each element forms bonds by sharing four of its electrons with four neighbors
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