maul you to death vs. lick you to death (ag assesses pitbull situation)

2 years ago

my biggest problem w/ america (really amy really)
i know i need to wash my harr
they care about only a certain demographic
various "victim" groups
i know i've defended pits to the ends of the earth
you know me...investigation station
pitbulls and pitbull mixes
extremely loyal breed but bred to FIGHT (not humans but animals)
getting to the bottom is impossible
they're attacking their owners at random
once again liberal...they defend hillary clinton so that makes sense, don't it
more govt bullshit, perfect timing
what's the solution to this problem, what if there isn't one
criminals will still commit crimes
if you do enough research and talk to enough people, you'll realize that everyone is the same
ignore that tower over there
they still breed the dogs anyway and they'll just call the dog sumin else
i have a lotta friends w/ a pit and small children
just say a prayer amy
when you need protection from the dog itself
sensationalism in the media sells their papers
drama and gossip sells don't it
solutions over here
we just saw a little chipmunk eating an acorn
i didn't have time to film that but it was definitely a kodak moment
venus flytrap is out, this solution is better
if you think hard enough (and we do)
now i am nervous for my friends
pitbulls have rescued their owners as well
*i was referring to the shar pei ( of vomit is evidence you care
*more on the subject: pits have a larger amt of the neurotransmitter L-tyrosine so they are easily triggered and they have little to no response to pain since they were bred to fight to kill their opponent (originally bulls but in america they were trained to fight other dogs)...however, if they are socialized from a young age (first 5-15 wks) they can play w/ other animals...did i mention that i love these dogs btw, never had a bad experience w/ em but this level of scrutiny is imperative if you actually give a shit about human life (and dog life...all of these dogs will be euthanized if they attack anyway, libs never think that one thru)

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