Why Dems Have Suddenly Collapsed for Nov’s Election: USA is Sick of Lies & Hatred

2 years ago

Liberals – Canceling All Truths Doesn’t Bring Total Freedom but Absolute Misery

A Red Wave finally bursts to the surface, as the GOP sprints towards victory in both Houses. Every close race is turning Right. But why did it wait so long after two years of Biden’s horrific failure? After relentless mistake and one stupid idea after the other? How do we understand this sudden development? It might be easier than the question sounds.

A Guess? Does it come down to the fact that the left has finally rejected everyday reality? For example, if you look at the direction our country has gone the last 50 years, it’s traveled further and further into fantasy. For instance the Sex Revolution offered instant intimacy, without any cost. Or so it was sold. Yet, it led to the collapse of marriage. We then convinced ourselves marriage itself was optional, or even bad, as a sexist matriarchy of oppression.

Meaningless Babies: And so now most believe it's harmless to spawn kids out of wedlock. Cuz if there’s a problem, just abort these babies who have no souls and mean nothing, anyway. As if, by everyone simply being encouraged to change their belief on what was ‘moral’, all the previously noted problems caused by this practice would magically evaporate.

Real World Results? A lot of angry, fatherless kids raised by bitter, desperate moms. Statistics prove most kids raised in single households struggle much more than those from intact families. A sickly harvest leads to an unbelievable rise in dysfunction and generational curses. But it didn’t have to be this way. It was willful rejection of tried and true norms which leads to misery for virtually everyone in this cycle.

Birth of Cynism: Thereby birthing the cynical myth of Feminism, which poured the acid of distrust on all of us. The Woke are part of this attempt to create a permanent revolution that bedevils our once happy and prosperous fair land. The format of Marxism, being rich v poor, boss v worker, or master v slave, is the perfect presentation to persuade the credulous they have been wronged.

Sex Revolution? Now, place this simplistic analysis of the Sex Revolution on every other belief leftists have tried adopted to destroy. The number is actually countless, with an almost unbroken record of failure…But the key is that progressives believe they know better about EVERYTHING. And if you disagree, you deserve to be driven back into the wilderness.

Vista Behind the Scene: So ponder what is actually laying beneath these events. Democrats and Liberals have moved so many different beliefs and practices to the point where reality itself is challenged. So first you reject God and then you claim everything is accidental or man-made, such as the law. And then you begin to storytell folks about where they came from, who they are, and where they are headed. In the case of modern man, it’s all Nowheresville. Don’t forget even a baby duck, if trained young enough, that it’s really a Golden Retriever.

Killing Law: Get rid of natural law and then legal changes become just the “will of the people,” or just advocacy groups. And as everything changes, it seeps further into the culture. Consider how art became Modern, and so absurdist that the original idea of art disappeared. An artist could disconnect a toilet and put it on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and claim it was superior to any work by Goya or Rembrandt. And so on.

Modernity: Therefore, Modern Art doesn't mean anything. It devolves into absurdity which plays out in the visual arts, then affects music and then movies. Once, America was spectacular at making great films. But today, with the very idea of gender dismemberment, which distorts any normal storyline, our films are now cartoon characters and have collapsed into another layer of unreality.

Search for a Lost Chord: And so, Democrats finally lost the idea of cause and effect, right and wrong, good or bad. For example they thought if they banned oil, then legislated mandatory electric cars, this alone would spontaneously cause formation of an electric grid. This idn’t work. But battling against the laws of nature in the name of the Green Economy only succeeded in launching a giant ship of fools at war with reality…headed for the falls!

Green Goblin: So, since the left insists that all Green goals are realistic, then how can we be surprised when Trevor Milton fools the world with Nikola Motors? This company was valued at $34 billion without ever building a semi truck run on compressed natural gas – or hydrogen. And when Milton was convicted of fraud, it turned out no such vehicle had ever been produced.

Kids on Leftism: The Left says it doesn't matter what you teach kids as long as they're comfortable in school. Yet, liberals gain the more illiterate the populace becomes – just like the medieval church. Dems think there's no such thing as a positive Meritocracy because anything that makes people feel uncomfortable is wrong. And, by the way, it doesn't matter how talented the people are who you put into power – since everything happens by accident, anyway.

Wisdomless: There’s no such thing as wisdom. For example, it doesn't matter if girls become promiscuous tarts or angry feminists, always spoiling for a fight, over nothing. It’s irrelevant if women have families, or are loved, and have kids, or decide to abort them after recreational sex. But, if you ask these women if they're really happy, when they don't think anybody is listening – they admit they're miserable.

Cause/Effect: What’s happened is we don't understand cause and effect anymore. We don't plumb the original idea behind science, or law, or art, or love, justice and mercy, because they don’t matter. The blush is off the rose. Truth is the endangered species living behind glass, in a sanctuary nobody visits. And therefore, Liberals are on a suicide March into the throat of a live volcano.

Postmodernism & Fury of Leftism: Liberals don't care because they hate others and even hate themselves, because they've rejected reality. They’re in free fall. But wasn’t that the purpose of Postmodernism, to make all truth a matter of mere opinion? Since there is no truth! And therefore, equally meaningless. Wittgenstein stated there is no such thing as a “Private Language” for this very reason.

Word: Contra, when John stated the Word created the universe, then became flesh, it is God Iincarnate, must therefore be man’s greatest power. So let’s talk Truth. We speak Truth to help heal the world. And so, let’s admit – there is no global warming. Period. Explaining why no predicted climate apocalypses ever occur on schedule. Wokeism is a hoax. Children are born one gender or another at birth. The same infants should not be murdered beforehand. Capitalism isn't bad, it's merely Freedom given to humans for the marketplace. Fathers do matter, religion has meaning, etcetera etcetera

No Rules = Anarchy: Nihilism, which is the absence of rules, births Anarchy – or total chaos. That's where we are right now. Everything about leftism has failed, which is why liberals want to kill success.

Murder God to Kill Death: If the world reveals God, progressives want to kill Him, so as to answer to no one. They believe by killing God, Sin will die, and death will be defeated. But Christ already achieved this irreplaceable killing of death, 2,000 years ago.

New Biblical Flood for Libs: What this country now needs is a political gully wash, a ballot flash flood to wipe out everything terrible about these monsters. God has given us an extraordinary gift at the last second to bring in the red Wave. Let's not waste it. Thanks be to God.

In the Beginning: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome] it.

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