i believe in what i do, so you don't have to *terrible piano punk

2 years ago

burning in Hell is what chu deserve
none of you will repent
James 4:4
when you meet God's wrath
how can you see it when you're in psychosis
let me school ya on what psychosis is
kind of our expertise
God pretty plz save me
my country is gonna burn cos they won't turn to God
satan's sandbox is the internet
w6w6w6 i'm just gonna keep repeating it
until they kill me i won't shut up
jewish gematria, they won't look it up
tree hugging is for hippies
yawl don't appreciate nothin
i would give my right arm
soooo bored
i know this is bad btw
in the moment...eternal, you should try it
i get validated in my head
God is within me
i wish you would tho man
you'll never pull yer head out yer ass
plenty of good shit up there, classic ag
everyone and their brother has a podcast
reiterate what isn't helping anything
i'd rather impact people in a teenie tiny way
i dunno why i did that, sari vortex
was that the Holy Spirit, i dunno
that's a funny sound into a mic
keepin it fresh over here

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