Motivational Speech -How To Live Like A Spartan ☆Spartan Rage ☆ Motivation Speech with Epic Music

2 years ago

Spartan isn’t just a race. It’s a mindset and a lifestyle. Becoming a Spartan is both a challenge and a rite of passage that involves enormous amounts of grit, perseverance, and determination—on and off the course. Gritty. Resilient. Passionate. Spartans aren’t soft. They overcome obstacles. And yes, Spartans burpee.

1. Do hard things
You won’t remember the easy times. Tough times define you and create your story. And the more difficult your challenges, the more interesting your story.

2. Life is a class—don’t skip
Your attitude, not your aptitude, decides your altitude. If you want to reach the peaks, decide right now to become a lifetime learner. Every day, learn something new that’s useful. You do that by trying new things, especially the stuff you’re afraid to do. Learn by doing hard things. Take the long route, the road less traveled. Read everything you can, especially biographies and history. Learn from others. Seek to understand them through empathy. And above all, strive to know .

Don’t allow that to happen.

3. Decide who you want to be
That’s right—you get to decide, especially when it gets down to overcoming adversity! But change is hard. You have to put in the work to recognize your purpose in life, your True North. “Your True North is a fixed point set by your deeply held beliefs and values,” writes Spartan founder Joe De Sena, in The Spartan Way. “Align with it and your True North will act as a high-speed train pulling you through life.”

A Spartan soldier paves his or her own way.

4. Embrace discomfort
If you’re not tired, you’re sleeping too much. If you’re not hungry, you’re eating too much.

“Life in the First World has become too easy,” said De Sena. “It’s hard to be happy when you have ‘easy’ in abundance. You appreciate nothing.”

Growth and fulfillment come when you embrace discomfort and adversity and struggle to overcome the tough stuff. Look for opportunities to make life more challenging. Create adversity. At Spartan Headquarters in Boston, you’ll find hand weights at the bottom of each staircase. Employees are encouraged to carry them whenever they go up and down. Why? To make life more challenging—and to build more exercise into the workday. Ancient Spartan soldiers didn't have to try to make life hard, it just was. But we do.

There’s another benefit to embracing discomfort: It’s invigorating. “The human mind was built to deal with adversity by having a physical reaction to it,” said De Sena. “You see a lion, you run. One reason the Spartan race is so popular is because we’re looking for that physical excitement in our lives because we don’t have lions and tigers chasing us anymore.”

5. Don’t delude yourself
Success doesn’t come naturally. If something is easy, you’re not as good at it as you think you are. So, wake up and realize that you can do better. Two things separate average and extraordinary people: sweat and tears. Stop procrastinating and start sweating. Stephen King once said, “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration; the rest of us just get up and go to work.”

Get to work, Spartan soldier.

6. Wake up early
Why? It’s so simple and it gives you a daily edge over 99.9 percent of your competitors. In a study at the University of London, researchers surveyed over 1,000 people about their sleep habits, physical and mental health, diet, exercise, and level of happiness. The study found that people who rise early in the morning tend to have lower body mass indexes than people who sleep in; they also report being healthier and happier.

7. Eat healthily
You are what you eat. If you eat crap, you’ll look, feel, and perform like crap. If you want to look healthy, feel strong, and perform like a Spartan soldier, focus on your body’s fuel. Build the best nutrition into every meal. A few ways to start:

8. Train daily
This is non-negotiable. It’s not what you do; it’s who you are. For those times, when you feel you have no time, at least do this:

9. Become harder to kill
In other words, get gritty. Grit is elusive. It is something you have to work on all your life. Therefore, it’s the hardest Spartan soldier trait to build and one of the most powerful. When you face failure after failure and you crawl into a hole to lick your wounds, grit is the tenacity that forces you to crawl back out for more.


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