Why the US is shifting its focus to the Indo Pacific Part? 4 of 5 #military #army #navy #airforce

2 years ago

This is a five-part series where we will look at the role of the US in the Indo-Pacific and analyze their aims and objectives. This is part 4 that will focus on the 4th point of this five-part series. So, let’s get into it.
The United States is committed to an Indo-Pacific that is free and open, connected, prosperous, secure, and resilient. To realize that future, the United States will strengthen their own role while reinforcing the region itself. The essential feature of this approach is that it cannot be accomplished alone: changing strategic circumstances and historic challenges require unprecedented cooperation with those who share in this vision. For centuries, the United States and much of the world have viewed Asia too narrowly—as an arena of geopolitical competition. Today, Indo-Pacific nations are helping to define the very nature of the international order, and U.S. allies and partners around the world have a stake in its outcomes. Their approach, therefore, draws from and aligns with those of their closest friends. Like Japan, they believe that a successful Indo-Pacific vision must advance freedom and openness and offer “autonomy and options.” They support a strong India as a partner in this positive regional vision. Like Australia, they seek to maintain stability and reject coercive exercises of power.

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