Dr. Nicole Ehrhart, VMD, MS - Innovative Translational Lifespan & Healthspan R&D - Colorado State

2 years ago

Dr. Nicole Ehrhart, VMD, MS (http://www.cvmbs.colostate.edu/DirectorySearch/Search/MemberProfile/cvmbs/1013/Ehrhart/Nicole) is the director of the Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging at Colorado State University (https://www.research.colostate.edu/healthyagingcenter/about/), where she leads an interdisciplinary research effort to identify basic and translational mechanisms that promote healthy aging.

Dr. Ehrhart holds the Ross M. Wilkins M.D. Limb Preservation Foundation University Chair in Musculoskeletal Oncology and Biology. She is a board-certified veterinary surgeon (Diplomate ACVS; ACVS Founding Fellow in Surgical Oncology), a professor of surgical oncology in the Dept. of Clinical Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, and a research faculty member at CSU’s Flint Animal Cancer Center.

In Dr. Ehrhart’s research lab, the Laboratory of Comparative Musculoskeletal Oncology and Traumatology, she conducts translational aging, limb preservation, tissue engineering, and sarcoma research, as well as bone and muscle regenerative medicine, to benefit both human and canine patients.

Dr. Ehrhart holds joint faculty positions in the School of Biomedical Engineering, the Cell and Molecular Biology program, the Gates Regenerative Medicine Center at the University of Colorado, and The University of Colorado Cancer Center.

In addition to her research, Dr. Ehrhart has held several leadership positions in national and international organizations, such as the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, Veterinary Society for Surgical Oncology (President), Veterinary Orthopedic Society (President) and Chair of the 2014 World Veterinary Orthopaedic Congress Committee.

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