Public Speaking Tip - Tap Into Your Emotions to Avoid a Senior Moment

2 years ago

Public Speaking Tip - Tap Into Your Emotions to Avoid an Embarrassing Senior Moment

#PublicSpeakingTip #SeniorMomentsOnStage #PublicSpeaking #ShayoliHope

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Public Speaking Tips for the older crowd who might suffer from the occasional embarrassing senior moment on stage or camera: If you forget what you were going to say, don't look up towards the ceiling - it's a dead giveaway that you forgot and are having a senior moment!

Instead, look down at your chest! It gives the appearance of tapping into your emotions and gives you a few seconds to think - while people think you are getting in touch with your emotions!

People forget parts of their speech all the time - it's totally normal! Don't get upset or let yourself get agitated when you forget what you were going to say. I have found that I often forget parts of my presentation because I needed to spend a little longer on another topic I wasn't planning on going into much detail when writing my speech!

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