Radio talk show host who shamed people for refusing to get the booster shots dies from the vaccine

2 years ago

Tim Gough the radio show host's death from a suspected heart attack being mentioned on yahoo news:

A radio talk show host of Tim Gough has shamed even the vaccinated for refusing to get a third dose of the vaccine in the United Kingdom. Now, he has died most recently from a heart attack that was induced by the vaccine that he received last year in the year of 2021. It was obviously the vaccine. He was only 55 years old. How can a otherwise healthy 55 year old man die from a heart attack unless it was from the vaccine? This is what he died from. While I was doing research for this video, I saw so many brainwashed retards on social media, especially youtube, denying that the vaccine killed by saying stupid bullshit like "People have always died before the covid vaccine rollout". These retarded imbeciles were born without a brain. They don't want to ever accept the fact that the drastic increase of deaths is due to the vaccines. I hope their dumbasses take more of the shots. The fewer idiots there are in this world, the better. I would encourage the purebloods, of course, to never take this deadly poison they call a vaccine. You don't want to end up like this radio talk show host.

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