Liberty Conspiracy - US Pet Abandonment Skyrockets, Teaches Harsh Political Economic Lesson 10-24-22

2 years ago

The price increases caused by decades of US central banking, fiat currency, welfarist spending, military adventurism/aggression, and the recent lockdowns are driving many pet owners to give up their animals. In this Liberty Conspiracy production, Gardner Goldsmith opens up the issue to see the harsh, and perennial, economic truths we can teach our neighbors -- if they are willing to listen. Check it out on Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, and Gard's Substack (gardnergoldsmith dot substack dot com). Join the Liberty Conspiracy Facebook page (which still exists and is always filled with new content) and feel free to catch Gard on Gab as @GardnerGoldsmith and on Twitter as @gardgoldsmith Be Seeing You!

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