邪恶歹毒的基督徒 Evil Wicked Christians - finalcall07

2 years ago

Source: https://youtu.be/NPNdgyolpwM


2017年3月3日 finalcall07


如果我们跟从耶稣基督,我们一定会像他。路加福音6章43节里记录着耶稣说过的话:“好树不结坏果子,坏树也结不出好果子。 树的好坏从果子就可以分辨出来。人不会从荆棘中采集无花果,也不会在蒺藜上摘取葡萄。 善人心存良善,就从他里面发出良善;恶人心存邪恶,就从他里面发出邪恶。因为心里充满的,口里自然会说出来。“(路加福音 6:43-45 当代译本)如果耶稣基督住在我们心里,我们就会结出好果子,我们会像耶稣基督一样,我们会遵从他的话,在我们所有所行的事上荣耀他。



There are many people in the world that profess to be Christians. They go to church, they read their Bibles and they quote Bible verses, but these people are sinners. They are liars, cheaters, fornicators, haters, they disobey Jesus Christ. They are no different from the vilest sinners. If we follow Jesus Christ we will be like Him.
I read the words of Jesus as written in Luke 6 :43 "For there is no good tree which produces bad fruit, nor on the other hand a bad tree which produces good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit, for men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush. The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil, for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart."
If we have Jesus in our heart we will produce good fruit, we will be like Jesus Christ, we will obey Him and glorify Him in everything that we do. These a wicked, evil, professing Christians, are not followers of Jesus Christ. The devil is the father. They are only deceiving themselves, they are hypocrites, they are sinners and will end up in hell if they do not repent and bear good fruit. The problem is that that they have satan in their heart, the treasure in their heart is evil. They do not have Jesus Christ in their heart; they were never born again. Jesus does not live in them and that is why they are wicked and evil, their deeds are evil. Do we show by our deeds and by our words that Jesus Christ lives in us? Are we truly children of God?
May Jesus bless you.

Visit me at: http://www.finalcall07.com
email: finalcall07@gmail.com

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