Pre-Adamic Race, angels, sons of God, and the sons of man - Part 1

2 years ago

Shalom Pillars,

You are going to really enjoy this teaching! In this two-part teaching, I discuss topics such as the race that was on earth before Adam, Lucifer's fall, who was in the garden before Adam, what Adam's role was in the garden, who the sons of God are mentioned in the Old Testament, and what is an angel and what is not an angel in the Bible. The audio recording is attached below along with my notes for the teaching in PDF format.

I mentioned in the audio that a lot of the material I used in this teaching came from a book authored by Sue Watkins. Here's a link to her Amazon page. I highly recommend this book. She has been commissioned by God to write this book and it is packed with revelation and it has a heavy anointing on it. Click here:

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