Christian Affirmations to Change Your Life😇🙏❤️#shorts

2 years ago

Christian Affirmations to Change Your Life😇🙏❤️#shorts
This recording will help you develop a positive outlook on life based on Scripture.
Take a deep cleansing breath and focus on the present moment to set the tone.
Accept that you are currently in a good place.
Please join us live for prayer on Monday and Tuesday mornings at 5:30AM and Thursday Evening at 07:00PM

For a powerful transformation in your life please review the following audible:
Bible-Based Affirmations on God's Word: For Men and Women of Faith Who Want to Be Afraid and Anxious for Nothing Knowing What God's Holy Word Can Do in Their Lives; for a Purpose-Driven Life

Please review this book if you want to learn how to trust God at all times and maintain a positive outlook despite adversity. We all experience waiting periods occasionally, whether it's for our wishes to be granted, our prayers to be heard, or for our circumstances to improve. However, God always has victory in store for you, and your dream has an assigned moment. And the waiting periods don't have to be depressing or gloomy times. Instead, they can be prosperous times of joy, development, and readiness for the plans and advancements God has for you.
It's On the Way: Don't Give Up on Your Dreams and Prayers by Lisa Osteen Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church and sister to Joel Osteen

Going Higher with God in Prayer: Cultivating a Lifelong Dialogue by A W Tozer
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Please join us live for prayer on Monday and Tuesday mornings at 5:30AM and Thursday Evening at 07:00PM

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