Handler and handling signatures ~ what surrounds fire creation beings

2 years ago

In this extract from the course Navigating Complex Relationships, I discuss backdrop handlers, spirited handlers, new cagy handlers, handlers with an intelligence agency frequency, online handlers and so on. We can recognize the loop energy from non spirited handlers. Sometimes, fire creation beings are accepting the handling disguised as help from handlers due to their own scarcity programming or because they believe it's the only option for them.

The dark choices from spirited handlers are being taken advantage of. Handlers are use to control our minds, to keep us in our programming, to influence the way we spend our time, how we think and what we think about. They often are accessing our people pleasing alters, definitely not encouraging the true self. Anyone who is into control or ego can easily be recruited as a handler.

Module Two ~ handler and handling signatures (now available)

• The triggering aspect of handlers
• The secret intelligence frequency
• The case study of a gangstalker spy, 3 non spirited handlers and a controlled and overtaken fire creation handler
• The case study of a handler working with shamanic plant medicine, a touch on beta sex kitten handling signatures and handling with friends and other fire creations
• Different handler signatures including narcissistic handling frequency signatures and maconic signatures
• Handling happening before the launch of something important (2 analysis of attempts of infiltration)
• Living in a holographic simulation
• Backdrop handlers
• Spirited handlers
• Online handlers
• Handled handlers
• Why the handling?
• The ways of handlers
• Gangstalking and harassing
• Reflections about my past as a student in screen writing in a University with maconic ties
• Breaking free and overcoming handling
• Memory and cover memories
• The review of 245 images
• Handling and handlers panel (115 items) for the Energy ReMastered App
• Auras from handlers scanned by the Energy ReMastered app
• 3 hours of video content and a bonus of 23-minute to present the panel on handling

More info here: https://www.ariapersei.com/navigating-complex-relationships-handling-and-connecting-with-allies/

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