Pronoun confused they, uh...he/she...uh...they/them... hold it, I got it: no brain embarrassments!

2 years ago

Let me present some pronoun crazy people who are the result of the brainwashing from the woke clowns who are making the generation of young kids and young adults the laughing stock the rest of us "normal" males and females will never understand.

If you want to be called by whatever pronoun you want, keep it between the other brainwashed pronoun victims but do not expect me to alter my language to a sub-culture of words just to make you feel like you are special or deserve to be called something unique so you can stand out from the rest of society.

I guess I'm prejudiced but if you have a penis, you are a male and I would address you by your proper name of "he" or "his." Example: He likes to be called a pronoun but I won't cater to his self-imposed label.

If you have a vagina, you are a female and I will address you by your proper name of "she" or "her." Example:" She likes to be called a pronoun but I won't cater to her self-imposed labels.

Carry on pronoun people - if you can navigate through your maze of pronouns, congratulations! The young man with the beard in this video who cannot quite get it down needs to take some pronoun classes.
Hmmm...maybe he can take an English night class - that might help?

I think I'll call you pronoun-intense people ""P-squared for "pronoun people."

Hey, I like that. P-squared or P2 for short.

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