Targeted Individual

2 years ago

The illegal use of directional energy weapons on civilians such as myself causes a great deal of psychological issues. Remote neural monitoring technology, v2k and emp are being used to cause mass destruction across the globe and because not enough people are aware of this and how exactly it works, I'll explain based on my experience. Targets are being violated in every sense of the word by the ones who have their brain linked to a brain computer interface. Once linked the "monitors" can see everything the target sees, read every thought the target has, emotion, so on and so forth. They will degrade/harass and even kill targets through the use of v2k/emp/"mind control". They will lie to you, deceive you and try and confuse you as much as possible, every single day. They are there when you shower and go to the bathroom.. they are there for your most intimate moments.. you will have absolutely no privacy. They will communicate with you via synthetic telepathy at all times, and every comment they make will be perverse and only to degrade you. There is no known way to disconnect oneself from this technology, therefore targets have no other choice but to "deal" with a constant barrage of harassment which will have a severely detrimental impact on the targets thought processes and psyche. The one's behind this operation will threaten the targets lives, their families lives, and their friends lives if they consider speaking out about what's happening to them. Because it's very hard to confide in someone that doesn't have an understanding of what it's like to be a targeted individual, most remain silent. Medical professionals are unaware of how this works, lawyers, etc. therefore, those "dealing" with this are being misdiagnosed mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or psychosis. Unless you would like this to happen to yourself, your child or a loved one, I would strongly suggest understanding the reality of this illegal operation and make as many people as possible aware of it.

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