6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - October 24th

2 years ago

#6MinuteDaily #EntertainmentNews2022 #CultureCasino

So the 6 Minute daily is your BLAST of entertainment news and pop culture! The show goes LIVE after the 3 minute musical prelude "sound check" It stays up for the current week at least and then gets archived Odysee.

Sound Check & Shout Outs
Black Adam Rocks $140M Global Open
Domestic Yield For Black Adam Almost $70M
Lindelof Set Loose On Secret Star Wars Project With Feminist Activist Director
Sacheen Littlefeather More Controversial After Death
House of the Dragon Showrunner Talks Season 2 After Finale
Politicians Turn To Celebrities - Who Else Does That?
China's Economic Growth - A Tale of Two Problems
Xi Gives Himself Third Term - Tensions Mount
US Markets Higher - Peril in Tech Quarterly Reporting
RNC Sues Google Over Election Tampering
Human Rights Watch Accusing Qatar Of Mistreatment
Finish Government Reports - Not Enough Lithium & Cobalt For NetZero Target Goals
Griner Not Optimistic About Appeal
Biden's Nap Spooks Viewers Ending A Week Of Odd Moments
Chore Replacement Robots Coming
Credits and Promotions

Today's Video: Is CNN Pivoting Center? - https://youtu.be/ejEF6gTg_SE

Then Check Out MEitM on @Midnight's Edge

Check Out Yelling at Parked Cars Later on @Comix Division on YouTube & on Odysee.

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�� CultureCasino 2022

TITLE: 6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - October 24th

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