Present Now

2 years ago

How blessed are we? Incredibly Blessed! God made a commitment to us to be “Present” in our lives. Our Omnipresence God has kept His commitment, being with us as a steady sureness, and peace like no other. Our world is so chaotic right now, our culture is corrupting more and more each day. Peace is hard to find. Do you feel overwhelmed by the things happening in this world? I do. BUT, I know we have God in our lives, He is faithful to be Present in the all of our everything. What are the things we can be happy about right now? What are the things we can be grateful for right now? Blessings of God, they are there, and they are many, but sometimes our own discontentment hides them from being revealed to our soul and keeps us from recognizing God is right here, right now, with us and for us! God is unshakable peace, a rock, a fortress that is always open to us, a place of safety for us. God is our Advocate in our lives, the best of truth, wisdom, favor, goodness, and peace. If you don’t have courage during these difficult days, then ask God for it. God will give you a strength and a peace like no other. There is none like our God, Present With Us. Trust Jesus with your life, stand on the side of His truth and stay in followship of His Holy Spirit. How blessed are we? We can’t even measure! God bless you and yours as you cling to Him, dig your life roots deeply in His Kingdom. Dig Deeper:

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