4 Bizarre Stories From The Book of Enoch.

2 years ago

Few ancient texts arouse quite the same curiosity as the Book of Enoch, a Jewish text attributed to Noah's great-grandfather that was, as some sensationally put it, "forbidden from the Bible" for revealing mystic secrets about the mysteries of creation. It's a book full of lusty fallen angels, cannibalistic giants, strange cosmology, and revelations about the end of the world.

But the fact is, the Book of Enoch is actually part of the Bible in some Christian churches, and the canonical New Testament book of Jude quotes it, so this was clearly an important text to both Jews and Christians at one time. But that doesn't mean it's not still full of weird stuff, because it definitely is: strange primordial beings, talking babies, stars with human downstairs parts, a corpse giving birth, and way more. Here is but a sampling of some of the strangest bits of the three–yes, three–Books of Enoch.

The angels who traded forbidden knowledge for sex
sons of god and daughters of man

The Book of Enoch, or more appropriately 1 Enoch since there are three books on the subject, is a hugely influential work made up of various documents from different periods in Jewish history, which helped form both Jewish and Christian ideas about angels, the nature of the universe, and the afterlife. These documents were eventually compiled into a single book that only survived to modern times in Ge'ez, an ancient language of Ethiopia, whose church still recognizes 1 Enoch as canon. The first portion of the book is called the Book of Watchers, which refers to a host of angels who gave up that heavenly life in order to go to the bone zone with some human women.

This section of the book is an expansion of a somewhat elliptical passage in Genesis chapter 6 that talks about "sons of God" who took wives from among the "daughters of man." 1 Enoch tells us in no uncertain terms these "sons of God" were angels, known as Watchers, led by the angel Semjâzâ, the Ethiopic version of the name Samael. Altogether there are 200 Watchers who swear an oath to all be horny together. These fallen angels teach the human women forbidden arts, such as magic spells and enchantments, making weapons and waging war, astrology, a love for earthly delights such as jewelry and other ornaments, and–perhaps the evilest of all–cosmetology.

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