5G expert Mark Steel- THE LIGHT is getting BRIGHTER

2 years ago


5G expert whistleblower Mark Steel goes through a new UK newspaper in the called "THE LIGHT" where it shows a lot of the Satanic empires FRONT GROUPS (Front level pawns). Satanic narrative pushing the fake climate change NET ZERO based on the falsehood that Carbon Dioxide that we breath out is increasing the temperature on the planet which is complete bullsh@t. Newspaper connecting 5G to the nanoparticles in the "vaxxine" & the MAGNET TEST is important so it SHOWS who has the GRAPHITE FERROUS OXIDE ANTENNA inside of them).

The 5G technology is the weapon that is going to murder people around the world. Mark says he is an inventor and has a lot of patents on this type of stuff. Blackrock ($10 trillion), Vanguard ($10 trillion), & State street$$ at the top of the financial satanic empire. Gets into Blackrock at the top that has filed for bankruptcy. The LED lights outside your home were designed to HARM/weapon. They have injected 30-40 million people with an unknown material so they can be TRACKED, TRACED, & ELIMINATED as soon as the CULT MEMBERS feel like it.

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