Election Integrity Patriot “Doxxed And Castigated” By Williamson County Election Commissioner

1 year ago

The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] -

During The Williamson County Election Commission Meeting On October 18th, Former Chair And Recently Reinstated Commissioner Robert D. “Bob” Brown Conducted A Mock Trial To Dispute Election Integrity Concerns Raised By Kathleen Harms In A Recent Interview With The Tennessee Conservative.

Working alongside statisticians, IT specialists, cyber security experts, and legislators, Harms discovered that, despite good intentions, the current voting systems in Tennessee contain significant vulnerabilities. Much of the evidence was presented in the interview.
Harms tells us that she was unaware she was being “doxxed and castigated” publicly by an “unelected bureaucrat,” all with FOX News cameras rolling.

Brown, a Republican, was “clearly irritated” by The Tennessee Conservative Interview.

“Unfortunately for him, many other election Patriots were in the audience who corrected his lack of command of the facts at every turn,” Harms said.

“Honestly, it was quite a vicious display of the hubris of our bureaucrats in TN,” Harms said, “This was another monstrous display of bully tactics intended to chill the voice of the people, concerned citizens and patriots.”

Ironically, while the Election Commission was taking place, Harms was in a meeting with Senator Joey Hensley (R-District 28-Hohenwald-Giles, Lawrence, Lewis, Maury, Perry and Wayne Counties) about election concerns and Commissioner Brown’s “questionable temperament” was discussed.

Read the full article & see the interview at https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/election-integrity-patriot-doxxed-and-castigated-in-public-by-williamson-county-election-commissioner/

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