Episode 50 - World War Zero: Part 3

2 years ago

In 1759, Europe is in its fourth year of war. North America is in its sixth. There, a new British commander named Jeffery Amherst partners with Native American allies to take the fight to the French. If successful, Amherst can force the French out of Canada altogether.

In Europe, France and Britain fight to a stalemate. But British-allied Prussia is in grave danger as Frederick the Great tries to fight off the combined might of Austria, Russia, France, and Sweden. Will Prussia survive and maintain its position in Central Europe? Or will Austria regain her supremacy in Germany?

CORRECTION: At one point, I said that Gen. Wolfe led an attack on Montreal. Since I said “Quebec” every other time, I hope the error is obvious.

MAP OF EUROPE IN 1759: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Europe_1748-1766_en.png/1280px-Europe_1748-1766_en.png

PARTIAL MAP OF NORTH AMERICA: MAP: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/French_and_Indian_War_map.png

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Episode transcript (90% accurate): https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTIvrQA45QmvijAZazSi3O27aTVyW5Aaj97oB0gVwx4oJKtXzq30syUBX4tMqRzWnIfSmOmeHl-dwg9/pub

Music credit: Sergey Cheremisinov - Black Swan

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