Killing in the name of Atheism. The Atheist Cult of "Reason" pt2, w/@Reasoned Answers

2 years ago

Live with @Reasoned Answers What lies in the little known, violent history of the modern atheist religion? If it is a religion, does it really have no beliefs? Is it modern, or do the ideas go back to an earlier time, perhaps even to paganism?
What it its relationship to the religion of socialism and the religion of secular humanism?
Are these questions frivolous? We'll find out. Over the course of this series, the first show airing tomorrow, we will learn that: Socialism was created to be a religion, a remake of Christianity without God or the divine.
Secular Humanism is a Socialist religion
Atheism is religious, an integral part of Socialism / Humanism
Atheism / Humanism are religions as per the US Supreme Court
Atheism and Secular Humanism were born in blood and violence
Atheist Humanism/Socialism was founded and promoted by people who are completely bats**t crazy
Atheism/Humanism are political religions like Islam
Atheist Humanism in government leads to irrationality, dysfunction & genocide

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