Highjacked Manifestations and Deuterium Water with Lewis Herms

2 years ago

Lewis Herms talks about how our manifestations are being highjacked by the cabal to manifest their destiny's. Why? Because they can't do it themselves! How can we reclaim our power? Listen and see...

Join Lisa, Charlie & Lewis LIVE on Friday, September 16th at 1:11 pm EST

Pyramid Science Foundation is honored to have Lewis Herms with us this Friday LIVE on our Youtube Channel! Lewis has dedicated his life to bringing awareness to the REAL truth of this world! His website Screw Big Gov focuses on exposing the globalist agenda. He has also organized the Truth Tour which is an epic group of Truthers, Medical Experts, Spiritualists, Data Geeks and MAGA Types so together we can transform our world into greatness and WE THE PEOPLE can TAKE BACK OUR SOVEREIGNTY!!! Charlie Ziese and Lisa Richards were blessed to be part of this movement and both were speakers during Truth Tour 1 and the Truth-a-Thon on September 10th. Next week is the kick off of Truth Tour 2! It runs from September 23rd - October 23rd & has a MEGA line-up of speakers including Mark Attwood, Charlie Freak, Michael Jaco, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Cathy O'Brian, Mark Z, Sasha Stone and our own Charlie Ziese....just to name a few! Let's flood the world with UNITY, CONNECTION and TRUTH! Even if you can't attend Truth Tour 2 in person, livestream options are available as well :) Show your support in any way possible and help the TRUTH prevail!

Screw Big Gov website

Truth Tour Website

Truth-a-Thon replay on Rumble

Screw Big Gov on Rumble

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Freedom in Action!


The Pyramid Science Foundation was incorporated in 2019 as a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation and was designated by the Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) organization in early 2020. The Foundation was founded to conduct scientific research relating to the value of pyramids to human physical and behavioral health, the environment, agriculture, materials science and other affiliated areas of research. As part of our research, we will examine the numerous factors affecting pyramid energy and performance, including geometry, building materials, energy enhancements, location, color and other factors.


Charlie Ziese
Chair PSF
Owner StargatePyramids.com
Author 76.345

Through his original research in Sacred Geometry, harmonics and ancient diagrams, Charlie demonstrates the essential role of 76.345 in the progression of the Platonic Solids, in vibrational coherence, and in Universal Phi Scaling. He also addresses the troubling questions of how mankind came to lose this ancient knowledge. He lays out concrete examples of how the history and knowledge of the Golden Ratio, Sacred Geometry, fractals, the Fibonacci Sequence, the Aether, the Platonic Solids, and Western mathematics has been falsified and suppressed. The first book published of its kind!


Lisa Richards
Vice Chair PSF
Owner PyramidSurge.com

Paul Barlow
President PSF
Owner PaulBarlowEnergy.com

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