Sleep Paralysis

2 years ago

Shalom Pillars,
Sleep paralysis is a demonic occurrence many people have experienced, both Christians and non-Christians. It can be a terrifying experience. Sleep Paralysis is also known as Old Hag Syndrome, Ghost Crushing, Nightmares, and Night terrors.

If you believe it’s a natural phenomenon when you experience sleep paralysis, even though you are seeing demons or weird creatures in your room, or weird creatures sitting on your chest and the only word you cannot speak is Jesus you are being deceived by the Satan and that’s what he wants you to believe. It's demonic and not a natural phenomenon. Period. In this video, you'll learn how to break the power of sleep paralysis off your life and the life of others in your sphere of influence. You are packing. You are lethal to the enemy and he doesn't want you to know it. You and the darling of heaven, Yeshua, are going to set many free from sleep paralysis. Hallelujah!

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Smashing Pillars International - Founder and President

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