Decoding The Hurt Feelings Of The 'Manosphere'

2 years ago

Why is the 'manosphere' so alluring to a certain group of men? Instead of just accepting that they may be socially awkward or have views that are antithetical or even repulsive to the mainstream, some men go looking for answers and find these pseudo-intellectuals that tell them that they are in fact the real victims.

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I just want to talk about the evolution of the manosphere. because you seem to be sending contradictory messages. like five years ago you got somebody like. I know. I know. But a few years ago you had something like Milo Yiannopoulos going. You know when he's talking about people's feelings and emotions it's like you know this basically says [ __ ] your feelings. and you know there are other manosphere disciples I'm sorry Apostles saying you know if you're offended that's your fault. and right/ if you're happy that's your fault I mean it's your choice right? and then you know a couple weeks ago you saw Jordan Peterson crying you know supposedly over disaffected young males. and he's saying that Society needs to accommodate them somehow. so I'm wondering how do you think manosphere people resolve that contradiction between empathy and because it's empathy for themselves right? right yeah it's just purely opportunistic I mean the thing about like the facts don't care about your feelings thing is like they were saying that for the way it made them feel right? like it wasn't for the factual basis of it it was they were getting a nice little feeling rush out of saying actually we're the ones who are so rational and you're just mad about your feelings. yeah, that was purely an emotional boost. 100. yeah, and it's a way you know to present one's own feelings and experiences as though they're the objective Truth Versus just like you know not to pretend like every you know the event has a different vantage point but in terms you know you can only truly be so familiar with every way of being as yourself.

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