Be Ye Imitators Of Jesus Christ by Dr Michael H Yeager 10 23 22 10 AM 1

2 years ago

*We have only one supreme model for living, His name is JESUS CHRIST. We are to follow him, step by step, imitating him, partaking of His life in every area. We need to understand that our lives are simply a reflection of whatever we put before our eyes. The more we look and meditate upon JESUS, the more we reflect HIM and become like HIM.

God has not called us to imitate anyone else but Jesus Christ.

“We must imitate Christ’s life, his attitude, his character, and his ways if we are to be set free from the darkness of our own hearts. It is the most important thing we can do in this life. We are called to reflect the life of Jesus Christ in this earth.”

The best and only way to minister supernaturally is by being yoked to Jesus, just making yourself into His servant, walking in His ways, and imitating Him. Allow Him to change you!

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