I believe I am Abraham Lincoln

2 years ago

I believe I am Abraham Lincoln

If I stated that I believed I am Abraham Lincoln and wished you to refer to me as Abraham Lincoln, and you refuse as you believe I am mentally unwell and believe if you went along with my beliefs it would be more harmful for mental health, would this in 2022 now be a hate crime?

Yet someone with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, we now seem to be told we MUST comply with their beliefs, even if this may do more harm to their mental health than any good.

Indeed we are told to accept someone who claims to be female who was born male, even if they still retain a male organ, and have no intention to remove it. Someone who may escort and have a history of drug and mental health problems. Someone who may have been abused as a child. Someone who for years has seen themselves as gay. We are told we must see them as female and refer to them as her or indeed zee, apz, zizy or whatever they wish, as not to, could be a crime.

This is not an anti trans post, indeed one fails to see how this helps real trans people, by having those with mental health problems placed in the same box as real trans people.

One suspects this is about people who wish to look like good people, using people with body dysmorphic disorder in order to look progressive.

It reminds me of college, when my gay friend had lots of girls hang about him. Once the course finished, not one kept in contact with him. They just used him to look cool and modern. We see the same with those who say they are non binary or whatever. Most one suspects will be encouraged to have these belief’s by others who will use them for Instagram likes.


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